Energy Roadmap
Energy Roadmap
Energy Roadmap is an easy to use energy management assessment and strategic planning tool that can quickly and cost-effectively strengthen and improve the impact of your energy management program. By engaging top level executives, Energy Roadmap enables companies to evaluate their existing business practices for energy and prepare an immediate plan to improve. It is web-based and available in either self-serve or facilitator mode (e.g. by your utility account manager, energy service provider or consultant during their site visit).
Traditional approach
The traditional approach to improving energy efficiency with business customers has been to conduct energy audits/optimization studies to identify energy saving opportunities. While a wide range of opportunities are identified, the rate of implementation is typically 15-25% (often the easy, “low hanging fruit”), leaving the majority of savings not implemented.
Shortcomings of the traditional approach:
• Little management engagement or commitment,
• Lack of awareness amongst employees,
• Engineers responsible for making changes, but with limited authority, and
• Solely focused on cost drivers (no integration with customer’s business objectives).
Energy Roadmap
Energy Roadmap engages and secures commitment from senior management. It bridges the missing links and creates a structured strategic process for preparing, delivering and implementing energy efficiency improvements through a long term energy efficiency plan. It focuses on a continuous improvement methodology that has repeatedly delivered ongoing savings through enhanced business practices and the application of energy efficient technologies.
Key benefits:
- Gains executive buy-in through an approximately one hour management workshop. Builds long-term relationships with customers and persistent energy savings through follow-up of identified energy efficiency recommendations.
- Long term success in implementing EE projects by identifying business practices needed to create the key strategies that make energy efficiency a priority.
- Improves impact of an audit, by examining systems and processes for energy management.
- Drives deeper energy savings and customer engagement, including with customers that have been harder to engage in energy efficiency programs.
- Much wider range of scope than conventional audit. Provides strategic direction to improve energy management.
- Provides a pathway for continuous improvement and sustainable cost savings.